Chloe: “I have so much more body awareness that helps me be more stable in my position!”
“My main goal for joining Kirsty’s Equiletix class was to develop my body so I could be the best rider for my horse.
It has been a fantastic class for building my muscles that now help support me correctly in my riding posture, which have positive effects on my horses training also!
When I started in the gym, I was carrying previous injuries, in particular a wedge fracture in my back. The gym work has brought back strength and movement to that area.
I really didn’t realise how much I need the gym work until I started with Kirsty.
I love that each exercise we do has correct correlation to how we use our bodies when riding.
I now get on my horse and not only feel stronger but I also feel new range of movement and body awareness that helps me be a rider that can be stable in my own position which helps my horse be stable in their position.”
It has been so fantastic to see Chloe go from strength to strength with her strength and fitness, and love to hear how much it has impacted her riding!